Sunday, July 18, 2010
The "Sweet" drive home
We noticed on the map that our route home took us within a few miles of Hershey PA! We would have been crazy not to stop and take a taste, I mean look around. :)

Best bunch of kids!
Smith cooper shop and farm
Joseph Smith Sr. was a master cooper, or maker of barrels. At one point the gold plates were hidden in the cooper shop.

When a huge oak tree fell down, farmers often hollowed out sections of the trunks and used them as barrels. The original oak barrel!
The light wood yoke on the wall is a human yoke, used for carring buckets of water. What a great way to keep your kids busy. If they got too roudy, you could just tell them to go get water!
Palmyra Temple and the Sacred Grove
Hiding places of the Golden Plates
The second home the Smiths built on their farm was a frame wood home. It was here that the golden plates were hidden and moved several times from hiding place to hiding place. Below is a picture of the bedroom where Joseph's two younger sisters slept. Once he hid the plates between the sleeping girls while the mob ransacked the house.
Here is a picture of the fireplace where Joseph had removed the bricks and hid the places underneath.
E.B. Grandin, first publisher of the Book of Mormon
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