Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Christmas Cuties
I know every mother is biased, but I really think I have the cutest kids! I just can't get over how grown up Adelynn and Enoch are becoming. They are such great teenagers. I am grateful every day.

Book of Mormon Challenge
About a month and a half before Christmas Will and I gave Adelynn and Enoch the challenge to finish the BOM before Christmas. They were both already reading the BOM in their own personal scripture study but we thought it would be fun to encourage them by offering them an extra gift. They both jumped at the challenge. Near the end Enoch was reading 40 pages a day and Adelynn about 30. WOW, you say?! No kidding. I've never read 40 pages of the BOM in a day. Anyway, Enoch finished on December 23rd. The pictures below show the "comfortable" position he found to read in. The bottom picture I took right after he announced he had finished. WILL AND I ARE SUPER SUPER PROUD OF THEM BOTH.
Enoch singing "Ahhhhhhhhhhh." He had just finished reading the BOM entirely on his own. He'd read it three times before with the family, but this was his personal first. Way to go Enoch!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Making Christmas
According to Greyson, putting up Christmas decorations is called "Making Christmas." Cute huh! Course he would rather run around saying, "we're making christmas," than actually help. But Win had a good time. This year we only put up a tree at the beach, at it was pre-lit. Oh my goodness, I know what kind of tree we are buying in the future!!

Welcome Home Jay
In November all the Councills gathered in NC to welcome home Jay, Will's oldest brother. We were all decked out in red, white, and blue and ready with posters and everything. Unfortunately we were unable to watch him fly in cause the darn army delayed his homecoming at the last minute. Grrrrr. At least we all enjoyed the weekend together. Funniest thing of all was that Jay was supposed to fly in Sunday morning at about 9am so we all planned to be at the army base then. We found out at 6am that morning that he hadn't yet left Germany. None of us had brought church clothes. So we all went to sacrament meeting in jeans!!! There is always a first for everything. The pictures below were taken after church. The Raleigh temple is behind us.

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