Before you begin carving a pumpkin you must first design the face, right! Well, we asked each of the kids what they wanted their pumpkin face to look like. What follows are the children's facial depictions! We made Greyson's pumpkin just like this face!
Enoch's evil eye
You can imagine how BIG the mouth of Will's pumpkin ended up.
Greyson checks out exactly how master carving is done!
We celebrated Win's 5th b-day and Greyson's 3rd b-day with a joint party this year. I made their cakes. We kept all the festivities outside and that kept the mess in one place! yes!
Will encourages Win to take the first bit of cake.
Greyson follows the good example.
So, why don't councill boys like to wear their shirts? Maybe I should just be happy about it cause its less laundry.
NEW pajamas!
Nothing like getting some money! "A whole money" as Win said.
Greyson LOVES Elmo. He went right to work and put this toy together.
Greyson will not take naps, so when he is finally tired, he just sleeps where ever, even if that means going to sleep while eating. As for the picture where he is sleeping on the chair, we had just brought him in from the car, where he had fallen asleep, and we wanted him to wake up so we set him down in the kitchen. He looked for the first place he could lean, and then next thing I knew he was "curled" up on the chair. Unbelievable!!!
Ah, the joys of the first day of school, for all of us but Greyson. This year Adelynn began 8th grade, Enoch 7th grade and Winslow Kindergarten. And I switched from teaching 10th grade composition to teaching a 12th grade elective Constitutional Law class!!!!! The class has been a TON of fun. I am completely in my element. First semester is due process topics and second semester is First Amendment topics. LOVE IT.