Hello to everyone. I pretty much fell off the blog bandwagon during the last 8 months, but I think I am going to jump back on. I fixed the problem that prevented ya'll from leaving comments--so please comment, cuz receiving comments is what makes blogging worth while. (lol) I finished my first year of teaching high school. I had an absolute blast. The new school year started last week and I think my new group of students will be just as great. Who would have "thunk" that teaching 10th graders could be so much fun. Adelynn has entered Junior High. Gulp. I think she is going to have at least a 1,000 times better experience than I did. Her teachers are all fabulous and all her classes are in the same hallway as my class room. It is fun to see her several times a day. Adelynn's biggest news is she tried out for the JJV volleyball team and made it. Go Team! You can see from the pictures that she is growing up WAY too fast. Enoch is now in 6th grade. His biggest news revolves around boyscouts. He had a great time at scout camp this summer, coming home all pumped to get his Eagle. Will told Enoch that if he received his Eagle by the time he was 14, they could take a daddy/son weekend trip somewhere. Needless to say I fully expect Enoch to reach this goal. The little boys get busier by the day, or rather I get busier by the day trying to keep track of them, (whew), which is why if you call and Will answers the phone he will say "House of Confusion" instead of "Hello."